Thursday, November 18, 2010

Now We're Talking!

How come these haven't come out sooner? Well, either way, KUDOS to you Rachel Roy and others who have created the necessary "Texting Gloves."

The "age old" dilemma during the winter - do you wear gloves that are too big to text so you can stay warm or do you freeze your hands off and text? You end up not even being able to type anyway because your fingers are so borderline frostbitten - but finally, our little selfish, Smartphone glued-to-hand prayers have been answered.

Texting Gloves. God's way of saying "Hey, you fast paced people - I'm not going to slow you down when it gets cold.. you keep on truckin'." With a fingerless glove on the thumb and pointer finger, your fingers are given free reign to wander about your techy BFF - just as if it were Summer!

I know, being from California, in a state where the weather has not ever (that I have experienced) dropped below 30 (in San Francisco, at least), it's silly to get excited over something of the sort. Yes, we do not know what a true "East Coast Winter" feels like - but we don't want to either. All we want is a morning Starbucks, some warm hands and feet, and the ability to stay connected with the world through e-mail, texts, BBM, Kik, Facebook, Twitter, FourSquare, and the browser, in any weather.

So glove designers, on behalf of California, we simply thank you - however, I bet New York has a much bigger parade to give you since, well, they truly understand how your fingers are taken hostage in the Winter weather.

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